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Translation of "outsider " (French → English) :

see also In-Context Translations below

[8] La Commission effectue actuellement un bilan de qualité dans le cadre du programme REFIT en vue d'évaluer ces aspects de manière plus approfondie (voir [http ...]

[8] The Commission is currently conducting a "fitness check", under the REFIT programme, to assess these aspects more in-depth (see [http ...]

"Unlike the avian virus, H1N1 presently causes mainly mild illness, with few deaths, outside the outbreak in Mexico.

“Unlike the avian virus, H1N1 presently causes mainly mild illness, with few deaths, outside the outbreak in Mexico.

The Commission's proposal provides products originating from outside the EU with an advantage compared to EU products: the former may register with a competent body in any of the Member States in which the product is to be or has been placed on the market, whereas the latter must register in the Member State from which the product originates.

The Commission’s proposal provides products originating from outside the EU with an advantage compared to EU products: the former may register with a competent body in any of the Member States in which the product is to be or has been placed on the market, whereas the latter must register in the Member State from which the product originates.

— vu l'appel pressant du 7 février 2007 du Haut Commissaire des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) à accroître le soutien international aux pays accueillant les réfugiés d'Irak, ainsi que les documents du HCR du 18 décembre 2006 (UNHCR Return Advisory and Position on International Protection Needs of Iraqis outside Iraq) et du 8 janvier 2007 (Supplementary Appeal – Iraq Situation Response) ,

– having regard to the urgent appeal by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of 7 February 2007 to increase international support for those countries hosting refugees fleeing Iraq, as well as to the UNHCR Return Advisory and Position on International Protection Needs of Iraqis outside Iraq of 18 December 2006 and to the UNHCR document of 8 January 2007 entitled 'Supplementary Appeal – Iraq Situation Response',

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D. considérant que le règlement (CEE) n 4056/86 a instauré pour les conférences une exemption des règles de la politique de concurrence (articles 81 et 82 du traité), tout en autorisant aussi les transactions libres, ce qui signifie que, fondamentalement, la concurrence de tiers (outsiders) est préservée, alors que les services de tramp ainsi que les services de cabotage (transports maritimes intérieurs, exclusivement entre ports du même État membre) sont exemptés de l'application des règles communautaires de concurrence (règlement (CE) n 1/2003),

D. whereas Regulation (EEC) No 4056/86 exempted conferences from the rules of competition policy (Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty), but allowed free trade, which means that substantive competition from outsiders is ensured, while international tramp vessel services and cabotage services (maritime transport services that take place exclusively between ports in one and the same Member State) are excluded from the Community competition implementing rules (Regulation (EC) No 1/2003),

10. observe que si, avec le règlement (CEE) n 4056/86, c'est le système des conférences fermées qui a été entériné, les transactions libres sont néanmoins également autorisées, ce qui signifie que, fondamentalement, la concurrence de tiers (outsiders) est préservée et que les conférences maritimes ne sont pas autorisées à pratiquer d'autres restrictions à la concurrence;

10. Points out that while Regulation (EEC) No 4056/86 endorses the system of closed conferences, it also allows free trade, which means that substantive competition from outsiders is ensured and that no further restrictions on competition from liner conferences is permitted;

Pour qu'une collusion soit durable, les réactions des «outsiders», tels que les concurrents existants et futurs ne prenant pas part à la coordination, et des clients ne devraient pas être de nature à compromettre les résultats escomptés de la collusion.

For a collusive outcome to be sustainable, the reactions of outsiders, such as current and future competitors not participating in the coordination, as well as customers, should not be capable of jeopardising the results expected from the collusive outcome.

L’OMS a proposé plusieurs niveaux seuils5,6 allant de 32 dB (LAmax[10], inside) à 42 dB (Lnight, outside) pour lutter contre ces effets néfastes sur la santé.

WHO proposed several threshold levels5, 6 ranging from 32 (LAmax[10], inside) to 42 (Lnight, outside) dB addressing these negative health effects.

L’OMS a proposé plusieurs niveaux seuils5,6 allant de 32 dB (LAmax[10], inside) à 42 dB (Lnight, outside) pour lutter contre ces effets néfastes sur la santé.

WHO proposed several threshold levels5, 6 ranging from 32 (LAmax[10], inside) to 42 (Lnight, outside) dB addressing these negative health effects.

Découpes Pourcentage du poids Striploins 5,5 Insides 9,1 Outsides 8,6 Knuckles 5,4 Rumps 5,8 Briskets 7,9 Forequarters 30,2 Shins/shanks 6,6 Plates/flanks 20,9 Lot total: 100,0

Cuts Weight percentage Striploins 5,5 % Insides 9,1 Outsides 8,6 Knuckles 5,4 Rumps 5,8 Briskets 7,9 Forequarters 30,2 Shins/shanks 6,6 Plates/flanks 20,9 Total lot: 100,0

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