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Traduction de «translation of entendu le compte » (Français → Anglais) :

L’Office établit un compte rendu de l’entretien et permet à la personne entendue d’y avoir accès afin que la personne entendue puisse soit approuver le compte rendu, soit y apporter des observations.

The Office shall draw up a record of the interview and give the person interviewed access to it so that the person interviewed may either approve the record or add observations.

– (PT) [http ...]

– (PT) In view of the implications of the Lisbon Treaty regarding the operation of the European Union institutions and the reinforcement of shared responsibility in the decision-making process, it has become absolutely necessary to establish a set of procedures which ensure and guarantee the healthy and efficient exchange of information and points of view regarding the strategies for consolidating and developing European integration.

– (NL) [http ...]

– (NL) Due to the very limited time allotted I can, of course, only pick a few of the very many reasons why we did not throw our support behind this European Commission.

– (PT) [http ...]

– (PT) In view of the principles of subsidiarity, representation and equal rights of the different Member States, I emphasise the importance of sharing responsibilities and competences among the members of the European Commission.

– (PT) [http ...]

– (PT) In view of the implications of the Lisbon Treaty regarding the operation of the European Union institutions and the reinforcement of shared responsibility in the decision-making process, it has become absolutely necessary to establish a set of procedures which ensure and guarantee the healthy and efficient exchange of information and points of view regarding the strategies for consolidating and developing European integration.

– (NL) [http ...]

– (NL) Due to the very limited time allotted I can, of course, only pick a few of the very many reasons why we did not throw our support behind this European Commission.

– les connaissances générales et juridiques du candidat, étant entendu que le jury pourra à cette occasion tenir compte de la connaissance d’autres langues que celles utilisées dans les épreuves écrites ; les connaissances juridiques seront examinées en espagnol.

? your general and legal knowledge; at this point, the board may take into account knowledge of languages other than those used in the written tests; your legal knowledge will be tested in Spanish.

Au cas où le montant global des créances respectives des passagers dépasserait le montant total de 340 millions d'unités de compte par navire pour un même événement, le transporteur est en droit d'invoquer la limitation de sa responsabilité à raison d'un montant de 340 millions d'unités de compte, étant toujours entendu que:

In the event the claims of individual passengers exceed in the aggregate the sum of 340 million units of account overall per ship on any distinct occasion, the carrier shall be entitled to invoke limitation of his liability in the amount of 340 million units of account, always provided that:

Les dispositions des traités sont sans préjudice de la compétence des États membres de pourvoir au financement du service public de radiodiffusion dans la mesure où ce financement est accordé aux organismes de radiodiffusion aux fins de l'accomplissement de la mission de service public telle qu'elle a été conférée, définie et organisée par chaque État membre et dans la mesure où ce financement n'altère pas les conditions des échanges et de la concurrence dans l'Union dans une mesure qui serait contraire à l'intérêt commun, étant entendu que la réalisation du mandat de ce service public doit être prise en ...[+++]

The provisions of the Treaties shall be without prejudice to the competence of Member States to provide for the funding of public service broadcasting and in so far as such funding is granted to broadcasting organisations for the fulfilment of the public service remit as conferred, defined and organised by each Member State, and in so far as such funding does not affect trading conditions and competition in the Union to an extent which would be cont ...[+++]

124 En ce qui concerne le reproche du requérant selon lequel il a été entendu après la consultation par le secrétaire général des questeurs, de sorte que ces derniers n’ont pas pu tenir compte de ses remarques, il y a lieu de rappeler que, la consultation des questeurs ne liant pas le secrétaire général quant à sa décision sur les conséquences à tirer de l’absence de pièces justificatives, le fait que le requérant ait été entendu après ladite consultat ...[+++]

124. As regards the applicant’s complaint that his views were heard after the Secretary-General had consulted the Quaestors, with the result that the latter were not able to take account of his comments, it must be recalled that, as consultation with the Quaestors does not bind the Secretary-General as regards his decision on the inference to be drawn from the absence of supporting documents, the fact that the applicant’s views were heard after the said consultation was not such as to infringe the rights of the defence.

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translation of entendu le compte ->

Date index: 2022-04-06