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Translation of "translation of parler aux caissières " (French → English) :

Je veux aussi parler aux caissières qui travaillent dans les magasins Provigo ou IGA, aux serveuses qui travaillent dans les restaurants, aux conducteurs de camion, aux chauffeurs de taxi, aux couturières, aux coiffeuses, aux maçons, aux charpentiers, aux gens qui triment dur tous les jours.

I would also like to speak to the cashiers working at Provigo or IGA, the waitresses in restaurants, truck drivers, taxi drivers, seamstresses, hairdressers, masons, carpenters, people who work hard every day.

Je ne peux pas m'imaginer une situation où un caissier appelle la police sans en parler au directeur de la banque, qui a accès aux avocats de la banque.

I cannot imagine a situation in which a teller calls the police without having contacted the bank manager, who has access to the bank's lawyers.

– (SL ) [http ...]

– (SL ) I will speak in Slovene, so please listen to the interpretation.

– (SL) [http ...]

– (SL) I will speak in Slovene, so please listen to the interpretation.

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