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1-1 mapping
Alcoholic hallucinosis
But one
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Delirium tremens
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Have nothing but one's nobility
Injective function
Injective mapping
Let each have his own and all is fair
One-one function
One-one mapping
One-to-one function
One-to-one map
One-to-one mapping
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS

Translation of "but one " (English → French) :

see also In-Context Translations below

have nothing but one's nobility

n'avoir que la cape et l'épée

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include sel ...[+++]

Modificateurs Les subdivisions suivantes peuvent être utilisées comme quatrième chiffre avec les rubriques F10-F19: Code Titre .0 Intoxication aiguë Etat consécutif à la prise d'une substance psycho-active et entraînant des perturbations de la conscience, des facultés cognitives, de la perception, de l'affect ou du comportement, ou d'autres fonctions et réponses psychophysiologiques. Les perturbations sont directement liées aux effets pharmacologiques aigus de la substance consommée, et disparaissent avec le temps, avec guérison complète, sauf dans les cas ayant entraîné des lésions organiques ou d'autres complications. Parmi les complica ...[+++]

Extensive drug resistance (XDR) is defined as non-susceptibility to at least one agent in all but two or fewer epidemiologically significant antimicrobial categories. Non-susceptibility refers to either a resistant, intermediate or non-susceptible re

bactérie ultrarésistante aux médicaments antimicrobiens

Definition: The patient has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the past, and at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed) in addition, but is not currently suffering from any significant mood disturbance, and has not done so for several months. Periods of remission during prophylactic treatment should be coded here.

Définition: Le sujet a eu, dans le passé, au moins un épisode hypomaniaque, maniaque ou mixte bien documenté, et au moins un autre épisode affectif (hypomaniaque, maniaque, dépressif ou mixte), mais sans aucune perturbation significative de l'humeur, ni actuellement, ni au cours des derniers mois. Les rémissions sous traitement prophylactique doivent être classées ici.

Definition: A progressive dementia with extensive neurological signs, due to specific neuropathological changes that are presumed to be caused by a transmissible agent. Onset is usually in middle or later life, but may be at any adult age. The course is subacute, leading to death within one to two years.

Définition: Démence évoluant progressivement, comportant des signes neurologiques étendus, due à des altérations neuropathologiques spécifiques que l'on suppose provoquées par un agent transmissible. Elle débute habituellement à l'âge mûr ou plus tard, mais peut débuter chez l'adulte à n'importe quel âge. Son évolution est subaiguë, aboutissant à la mort en un à deux ans.

A rare form of porokeratosis occurring mainly in adolescence and characterised by small pruritic or painful keratotic papules that first appear on the palms and soles, and may gradually become generalised. The prevalence is unknown but it is one of t

porokératose palmoplantaire et disséminée

Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery

mort par suite d'une cause obstétrique survenant plus de 42 jours mais moins d'un an après l'accouchement

every one his own, it is but fair [ let each have his own and all is fair ]

à chacun le sien n'est pas trop

one-to-one function | injective mapping | injection | one-to-one map | one-one mapping | one-to-one mapping | 1-1 mapping | injective function | one-one function | embedding

application injective | injection | application biunivoque de E dans E
But one cannot undertake a reform in this hurtful way and say with one's hand on one's heart: “But what is happening to Canada?

Mais on ne peut pas procéder à une telle réforme, qui fait mal, et dire, la main sur le coeur: «Mais qu'est-ce qui arrive au Canada?

One cannot help but be alarmist and reactionary when one hears the individual circumstances that surround some of these crimes, but one has to be thoughtful and thorough when approaching the subject of sentencing.

Il y a vraiment de quoi être alarmiste et réactionnaire lorsqu'on entend parler des circonstances particulières qui entourent quelques-uns de ces crimes.

I was pleased to see that aggravating circumstances have been added, but one has been forgotten, one that is important but in fact is the main one, and that would be fraud involving public funds.

J'étais heureux de voir les circonstances aggravantes qui ont été ajoutées, mais une a été oubliée, qui est fort importante, en fait qui est la principale, ce serait la fraude contre les deniers publics.

Macdonald saw Canada, as I think all of us do these days, as an alternative model of life in North America, an alternative vision, not a hostile one but one which draws its inspiration not only from the south but from the east and the west and indeed the north.

Macdonald voyait dans le Canada, comme nous le faisons tous aujourd'hui je pense, un autre modèle de la vie en Amérique du Nord, une vision différente, une vision sans hostilité mais qui puise son inspiration non seulement dans le Sud, mais également dans l'Est, l'Ouest et certes dans le Nord.

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Much of that is meaningless. There is but one report of the committee, and there is but one decision of a committee; that is the decision that the Honourable Senator Lorna Milne reports.

Il y a le rapport du comité et il y a la décision du comité, et c'est celle que l'honorable sénateur Lorna Milne a exprimée.

datacenter (1): (

'but one' ->

Date index: 2021-03-09