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Translation of "translation of toutes les culbutes " (French → English) :

– (EN) Monsieur le Président, [http ...]

– Mr President, when you look at the gallery of candidates that were there before us today, I think most people across the House, regardless of their politics, would have said that some were good, some might have been very, very good, some were bad and some were just pretty poor. Unfortunately, some of them have also not answered all the questions about their past.

– (EN) Monsieur le Président, [http ...]

– Mr President, when you look at the gallery of candidates that were there before us today, I think most people across the House, regardless of their politics, would have said that some were good, some might have been very, very good, some were bad and some were just pretty poor. Unfortunately, some of them have also not answered all the questions about their past.

Ensuite, en ce qui concerne toute la question de la translation de l'impôt applicable au secteur de l'énergie, on constate que dans les milieux pétroliers de Calgary, les compagnies pétrolières et gazières ont été remplacées par des sociétés d'énergie.

Second, on this whole question of tax shifting in terms of energy, if you look at the oil patch in Calgary, it's moved from oil and gas companies to energy companies.

On prétend dire que c'est un premier pas vers l'autonomie gouvernementale, alors que tout ce qu'on fait avec ce projet de loi, c'est qu'on nomme le gouvernement de la bande, mais qu'on lui impose toutes sortes d'obligations, avec des culbutes et je ne sais trop quoi, des propos anecdotiques.

We're claiming that this is a first step toward self-government, whereas all we're doing in this bill is appointing the band government, but we're imposing all kinds of obligations on it, with somersaults and I don't know what, anecdotal remarks.

(1530) Après cela, madame la Présidente, rappelez-vous toutes les culbutes constitutionnelles, toutes les bronchites constitutionnelles, qui ont détalé.

(1530) After that, Madam Speaker, as you will recall, there was a lot of constitutional turbulence and commotion.

Ce n'est pas normal qu'au lieu de faire toute la lumière sur un tel scandale, on cherche à s'abrier, à se cacher derrière de faux arguments (1115) On fait des sparages, on fait des culbutes, des pirouettes au Comité des comptes publics ou au Comité des finances pour faire en sorte que jamais la vérité ne sorte, ne soit dévoilée au grand jour.

It is outrageous for the government to attempt to cover up this scandal, hiding behind false arguments, instead of getting to the bottom of it (1115) It is kicking a big fuss, trying all kinds of tricks in the public accounts committee or the finance committee to make sure that the truth will never be known.

On a prétendu que—et le ministre des Finances ainsi que le secrétaire d'État aux institutions financières internationales comprennent ce problème—par un truchement, une culbute intellectuelle qui n'est pas tout à fait droite, on n'avait droit à rien.

It has been claimed—and the Minister of Finance and the Secretary of State for International Financial Institutions understand this problem—by using a rationale that has been stretched to the limit, that we are not entitled to anything.

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Date index: 2023-05-21