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Traduction de «indiction » (Français → Anglais) :

« (a) cause the portions of an information or indictment against the accused that are in an ».

``(a) cause the portions of an information or indictment against the accused that are in an''.

Les compressions imposées aux programmes scientifiques et aux installations de recherche sont trop nombreuses pour énumérer ce soir, quoique le blogue intitulé « The Canadian War on Science: A Long, Unexaggerated, Devastating Chronological Indictment », en témoigne avec brio.

The cuts to scientific programs and research facilities are too long to list tonight, although the blog called, “The Canadian War on Science: A Long, Unexaggerated, Devastating Chronological Indictment”, has done a great job of bearing witness.

After being held at the detention centre of the Belarusian Interior Ministry, he was arrested in Minsk on 4 August 2011 on the formal charge of large-scale tax evasion (‘concealment of profits on a particularly large scale') and indicted on 12 August 2011.

After being held at the detention centre of the Belarusian Interior Ministry, he was arrested in Minsk on 4 August 2011 on the formal charge of large-scale tax evasion (‘concealment of profits on a particularly large scale’) and indicted on 12 August 2011.

12. souligne l'importance des DPI et demande que la priorité soit accordée à leur application effective, en particulier en ce qui concerne les modèles et dessins, les enregistrements sonores et autres biens culturels, ainsi que les indictions géographiques et les appellations d'origine; demande à la Commission de s'attaquer aux barrières en place, sans préjudice du droit des pays de réguler des secteurs qui, comme l'audiovisuel, jouent un rôle essentiel dans la préservation de la diversité culturelle;

12. Stresses the importance of IPRs and calls for their effective enforcement to be given priority, particularly for design, sound recordings and other cultural goods as well as geographical indications and appellations of origin; asks the Commission to tackle barriers notwithstanding the right of countries to regulate sectors - such as audiovisual - that play a key role in preserving cultural diversity;

Ainsi, nous demandons que, pendant cinq ans, toute demande de prorogation du certificat complémentaire de protection en raison d’une nouvelle indiction pédiatrique puisse être déposée au plus tard six mois avant l’expiration dudit certificat.

We are therefore requesting that, for five years, any application for an extension of the Supplementary Protection Certificate as a result of a new paediatric indication may be lodged no later than six months before expiry of the certificate.

Sont ainsi couverts: le trafic de stupéfiants, le terrorisme, le vol et la fraude, le vol qualifié, la falsification et la contrefaçon, l'acceptation de dépôts illégaux, le chantage et l'extorsion (essentiellement tout comportement constitutif d'une "infraction majeure" (indictable offence) au Royaume-Uni).

This would include drug trafficking, terrorism, theft and fraud, robbery, forgery and counterfeiting, illegal deposit taking, blackmail and extortion (essentially any conduct which would constitute an "indictable offence" in the UK).

« (a) cause the portions of an information or indictment against the accused that are in an ».

" (a) cause the portions of an information or indictment against the accused that are in an''.

(1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, who, without lawful justification or excuse, makes, repairs, buys, sells [.]

(1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, who, without lawful justification or excuse, makes, repairs, buys, sells

datacenter (12): (

indiction ->

Date index: 2022-09-29